Connect, Share, Exchange and Learn for the Joy of It
With Your Peers at the McGill Community for Lifelong Learning

Connect, Share, Exchange and Learn for the Joy of It
With Your Peers at the McGill Community for Lifelong Learning

As part of the McGill School of Continuing Studies, MCLL is led by volunteers and managed by a council elected from among its members. Based on a peer-learning concept, MCLL is for people who want to continue learning for the joy of it , and who wish to share their knowledge, ideas, experience and interests with others. Our informal, small-group approach makes our programs accessible. No exams or grades to worry about, and no age limits!

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The MCLL Difference

Peer learning and active participation are two cornerstones of MCLL’s curriculum; these principles differentiate its programs from traditional university courses and classes. The form of participation varies according to the subject matter and the approach chosen by the moderator. The level of involvement can range from mere presence, to advance preparation/research, participation in group discussions and presentations to the class.

Membership Benefits

What Our Members Say

Linda Sidel

Linda Sidel

Linda Sidel

With all my “normal” activities on hiatus, I turned to MCLL to help break the isolation I was living in. The hosts who gently guided everyone through the new language of Zooming, the moderators who are so generous with their time and knowledge, the participants who are welcoming and new-found friends – these are a few reasons why I’ll be zooming MCLL long after the pandemic is over.

Raymond Stern

Raymond Stern

Raymond Stern

I was already giving Lifelong Learning study groups when as an out-of-towner to Montreal, I approached Ana Milic at McGill Community for Lifelong Learning to enquire if she would be interested in me contributing to MCLL’s program. She welcomed me and so did all the wonderful volunteers at MCLL. I have never looked back from making this call because I discovered something which is genuinely special. The word “community “is often banded around to give an impression of comrade and bonding. What I found is this spirit really means something at MCLL. Everyone pulls together and is engaged about what they are doing. This means there is a strong social bond as well as the core group activity of learning. So, I count myself as very fortunate being part of this.

Barrie Baldaro, Actor

Barrie Baldaro, Actor

Barrie Baldaro, Actor

MCLL has given me a new audience. I’m a ham, always will be, and I missed my audience when I was no longer on the stage. I was nervous the first time I made a presentation, but I had worked hard doing the research, just as if I was preparing for a role. So, I knew my stuff and my classmates loved it, and I had a whale of a time. I jumped into the deep end and found I could swim! I like working with people of my own generation – we speak a common language despite the great differences in our backgrounds and life experience. We have much to learn from each other.

Denise Lord

Denise Lord

Denise Lord

I’ve been an active member at MCLL since the fall of 2011. MCLL has been a true blessing in my life. It has allowed me to connect with individuals who share similar interests and passions. Peer learning has proven to be enriching and stimulating for both mind and soul. Sharing thoughts, ideas and life experiences with educated, cultured and bright individuals makes for exceptional learning experiences.

Thea Pawlikowska

Thea Pawlikowska

Thea Pawlikowska

After taking early retirement from McGill in 1996, a friend told me about the then McGill Institute for Learning in Retirement. I joined and never looked back. Not a university graduate, I had language and organizational skills and have been driven by curiosity and love for learning all my life. So rich is the variety of MCLL study group topics, that it is hard to select any two each term. Not only have I found MCLL stimulating, challenging and also fun but have met people with unexpected and amazing life stories. I will certainly participate in MCLL as long as my brain works!

Hassan Elshafei

Hassan Elshafei

Hassan Elshafei

After retiring I had a fair idea of what I wanted to do: catch up with my reading, indulge in some travelling, and do more to keep fit. I ran into an old friend who told me, with much enthusiasm, about MCLL. It took a couple more encounters before I took the plunge and discovered all the great benefits that MCLL has to offer. Since joining around eight years ago, it has been a pleasure meeting interesting people with such a wide variety of backgrounds. The other great boon has been experiencing the peer learning process, contributing to study groups and giving lectures, all of which continue to be enjoyable and enriching experiences.

Download the Fall 2021 Calendar